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March 5, 2024 | Recapture SETC

Navigating FFCRA Self-Employed Tax Credit: A Guide for S-Corps, C-Corps, and LLC Owners

In the ever-evolving landscape of pandemic relief efforts, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) stands out as a beacon of hope for self-employed individuals. However, owners of S-Corporations, C-Corporations, and LLCs taxed as corporations often find themselves at a crossroads, puzzled about their eligibility for the FFCRA Self-Employed Tax Credit Refund. At Recapture SETC, […]

Navigating FFCRA Self-Employed Tax Credit: A Guide for S-Corps, C-Corps, and LLC Owners

In the ever-evolving landscape of pandemic relief efforts, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) stands out as a beacon of hope for self-employed individuals. However, owners of S-Corporations, C-Corporations, and LLCs taxed as corporations often find themselves at a crossroads, puzzled about their eligibility for the FFCRA Self-Employed Tax Credit Refund. At Recapture SETC, we specialize in demystifying these complex tax situations, ensuring every self-employed individual understands their rights and opportunities for relief.

The Essence of Self-Employment Under FFCRA

The FFCRA’s provision for a self-employed tax credit refund was designed with the direct business operator in mind — someone who experiences the immediate financial impact of the pandemic without the buffer of a corporate entity. This distinction is crucial and often misunderstood, leading many to wonder about their eligibility.

Corporate Structures and FFCRA Eligibility

The distinction between being self-employed and operating through a corporate entity affects eligibility in several ways:

  • S-Corporations and C-Corporations: Owners receive income as employees through salaries and possibly dividends, differentiating them from the direct earnings model of self-employed individuals.

  • LLCs Taxed as Corporations: Choosing corporate tax status places LLC owners outside the typical self-employed category for the purposes of the FFCRA.

Why Recapture SETC?

At Recapture SETC, we’re committed to navigating these complexities for you. Our expertise lies in identifying the nuances of pandemic-related tax relief and helping you understand where you stand. Whether you’re directly self-employed or operate through a corporate structure, our goal is to ensure you’re informed and empowered to pursue every credit and relief you’re entitled to.

Alternatives and Solutions

While the FFCRA Self-Employed Tax Credit might not apply to everyone, other avenues of relief are available. Our team at Recapture SETC is adept at guiding S-Corp, C-Corp, and LLC owners through the maze of options like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Employee Retention Credit, and more.

SEO-Optimized Call to Action

Are you an S-Corp, C-Corp, or LLC owner seeking clarity on pandemic relief options? Recapture SETC is your go-to resource for navigating the complexities of tax credits and financial aid. Visit our website at to learn more about how we can help you maximize your entitlements and steer through these challenging times.


The landscape of COVID-19 relief measures is vast and varied, with specific paths for different business structures. Understanding your position and the relief available to you is paramount. With Recapture SETC, you’re not alone in this journey. Our expertise and commitment to the self-employed community ensure that you have the support and guidance needed to recapture what you’re due.

Visit us at for more information and to begin your journey towards financial recovery.